Making the Perfect Choice for a Headstone

At some point in the past, the terms now used to refer to a gravestone were actually applied in a different manner. Traditionally, people used the word “tombstone” when speaking of the stone lid of a coffin. A gravestone was a marker placed at the grave site. This has changed through the years, along with the materials used to create the markers.
While most headstones today are made of high-quality granite, this was not always the case. Some markers were made of wood while other graves were made with slate or sandstone. Granite has gradually gained in popularity since the mid-1800s with widespread use today. One of the reasons for choosing this durable material involves putting something in place as a lasting sign of remembrance.
Engraving personal information and details on gravemarkers has also changed through the years with more than the basic name and dates now added according to the wishes of the deceased or family members. A special inscription or graphics and pictures are sometimes included along with a favorite religious verse or quote. The message of a marker focuses the visitor’s attention on remembering and honoring the life of their loved one.
Making a Choice
When a loved one passes away, it’s often difficult to make the many necessary decisions about visitation schedules, the funeral details, and the burial process. Working with experienced and caring professionals during this time can make those decisions easier. Not only can they help you select the stone that fits the situation and will stand as a lasting memorial but they’ll be available to answer the essential questions that arise.
Select from an array of styles including flat stones, photo stones, angels, uprights, and shapes such as hearts, flowers, and crosses. When you consult with your representative, be sure to share your thoughts as well as the wishes of the deceased so that the experienced professional can guide you to the perfect choice.